Steam Market Research for Game Developers

Make data-driven decisions for your game with comprehensive Steam store data. Create a free account to access monthly updated CSV datasets for FREE!

Available Market Data

Released Games

Comprehensive data on all paid games currently on Steam

Unreleased Games

Upcoming releases and games in development

Released Free Games

Listing of all free-to-play titles

Unreleased Free Games

Upcoming free games and their market positioning

Tag Statistics

Detailed analysis of game tags and their market performance

Highlighted Data Points

Game Details

Title, release date, developer, publisher, price, tags, genres

Performance Metrics

Review counts, player counts, number of wishlists

Pricing Data

Current price and estimated total revenue

Content Info

Supported languages

Available Data at a Glance


Games Analyzed


Unique Game Tags


Data Updates


Earliest release date

Market Analysis

Get detailed insights into game performance, revenue estimates, and market trends to inform your development decisions.

AI-Powered Research

Use our AI assistant and ask questions in plain English and get instant insights about genres, tags, pricing strategies, and market opportunities.

Competitive Intelligence

Understand your competition, identify market gaps, and position your game for success.


Save over 120 hours of scraping

Every month we scrape Steam data for you. So don't worry about having to create scripts, massage the data and wait for the results. We will do it for you. Rather, jump right into analyzing the data.


Leverage the power of AI to help answer your questions about the Steam market and become a data expert, transforming data into actionable insights.


Need numbers to add to a pitch deck? Help your potential publisher understand the value. It will also help you speak with confidence knowing you have the data to back you up.


Be strategic. Don't regret not analyzing the market holistically before you start working on your game. Stop wasting time on assumptions, rather, take into account the competition, the market size, the value of each tag, etc.


What does the data contain?

This data is collected from the Steam store and contains information about the games, tags, prices, and more.

Store page data

Raw scraped data from the Steam store.

Estimated revenue

Estimated revenue based on the game's price and the number of reviews.


User-defined tags for each game.

Game numbers

Rough numbers of copies sold. Average hours played. Number of concurrent players.


Number of followers and estimated number of wishlists.

Developer and Publisher emails

Public email addresses for the developers and publishers of the games.


🎮 Get Your FREE Steam Games Dataset!

Instant access to real Steam gaming data for your projects and analysis

  • ✓ Complete game details and statistics
  • ✓ Ready-to-use structured format
  • ✓ Perfect for data analysis & ML projects

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$0 /Month

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  • Unlimited chat threads
  • 10 chat credits per month
  • Download all csv data, providing access to 95,000+ games


Best for those who want to deep dive and create a case study into Steam leveraging the AI assistant.

$5 /Month

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  • 150 chat credits per month
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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I use GG Insights?

SteamSpy, SteamDB, Video Game Insights, and other competitors provide great insights into individual games and contains holistic views by assuming what you want to know.. GG Insights is the first to provide insights leveraging the power of AI. Being able to seek out valuable answers to your own questions.